Page 9

  “Um, okay. Why do you keep calling me Batya?” I ask.

  She pauses, tilting her head to the side while studying me. After a moment of contemplation, she shakes her head in slow motion, back and forth, emanating sadness. “Your protector has not enlightened you at this time. It is with deep regret that I cannot offer you clarification. You must await his sermon.” She smiles as if she feels bad for not being able to explain more.

  Suddenly, the little giggling lights come flying around me. I stiffen, unsure as to what they are or what they’re doing.

  Lady Finella laughs in a playful manner. “Do not be afraid, child. The sprites are only playing. They are tremendously lighthearted fairies.” She laughs again and it sounds musical while she shoos away the winged sprites. “In our kingdom, you are an honored guest. Please consider our realm a safe haven and home, should you ever need it.” She bends her head toward me again.

  Confused as to whether I’m in a dream again, or if this is real, I inhale for a split second and rub my temples. I close my eyes then open them little by little. “How do I know this is real?”

  She stares at me. “The fae realm is a magical kingdom. While inside the realm, fairies are not permitted to tell untruths. It is not physically possible. Our charms and magic would be revoked if we were to mislead you,” she says with great assurance.

  I nod once and glance around at the greenery. “I see. How did I get here?” I ask with confusion marred on my expression.

  Her look turns thoughtful. “Apologies, but I am not sure how you realm crossed. Perhaps you are commencing your ascension. These are rationales I am not at liberty to reveal to you until your protector has determined it is time for your enlightenment.” Her face is solemn. “I am sorry, child.”

  “Who is my protector?” I ask, taking a step closer to her.

  Lady Finella just looks intently at me. She tilts her head, listening for something within the forest. Her eyes close for a brief moment. When they reopen, she looks at me with a maternal gaze.

  “Forgive me, child. The trees tell me you are being called back to the earth realm. You must go.” Her smile is assuring.

  I pull my face. “Wait, I don’t understand.”

  “Do not fear, Batya. We will come together again before long,” she promises as she lifts her left palm flatly in front of her lips and blows, pushing out a soft breath of gold confetti Tinkerbelle-looking powder at me. Suddenly, my eyes feel heavy as the shimmering dust forces them to close and a falling sensation overtakes my body.

  I jerk awake in my seat. Realization hits me instantly that the entire lecture hall is staring at me. Shit. I fell asleep during the lecture. Mortification crawls up my cheeks, tinting them pink as the professor looks at the seat roster, no doubt in search of the culprit who interrupted his riveting sermon. “Miss Collins, everything alright back there?” His voice is stern and annoyed.

  Horrified, I try to control my erratic heartbeat. “Y-yes. S-sorry, professor,” I stutter out in humiliation. With a final firm look, he turns back to the rest of the class and continues his lecture. One by one, the other students return their focus to him.

  I sit there, brushing the sweat from my brow with the back of my hand as my chest heaves. My anxiety levels start to climb from both confusion and embarrassment. My hand claws at my chest, trying to get my lungs to work because at the moment, they’re not getting enough oxygen in them. I need air. The walls are starting to close in and black spots are beginning to form in my vision.

  Asher leans over the empty seat between us. In a low, harsh whisper, he says, “Breathe. Siren, look at me. You need to focus on me and breathe before you pass out.”

  Good plan, breathing. How come I didn’t think of that? I start gasping for air. Shit, I’m going to black out.

  Panicked, Asher throws my iPad into my bag then grabs my elbow, pulling me toward the back exit of the hall. My legs feel like rubber. He’s basically dragging me out of the building.

  Once outside, he drops our bags and grabs my upper arms, forcing me to stand. It’s not helping though. The dark spots are forming again so I close my eyes and grab his leather jacket in each hand, white knuckling it so I don’t collapse. Forcing my eyes to shut, I try to make the spinning stop. The air returns to my lungs at a snail’s pace.

  “Why are you avoiding me?” I slur from a lax state.

  “I haven’t been avoiding you. I was never supposed to have contact with you in the first place,” he states.

  “Lady Finella said I need a protector for my ascension. Is that you?” I ask as if drugged.

  Asher stiffens. “WHAT?” he asks as I collapse.

  Warm arms drape around me, preventing my fall. Asher’s voice is all I hear. “It’s okay. I’ve got you, siren.” He breathes in my ear.

  My eyes are heavy and I’m surrounded by blackness. I can’t move. My body hurts. It feels as though I’ve run a marathon. I start to panic. Where am I? What’s happening?

  “Easy, Eve. Everything’s okay. You’re all right. Just take it slow.” I hear Abby’s voice break through my foggy state.

  My eyes open as I gain control over my body. I sit up, gradually realizing I’m in my bed at the dorms. How did I get back here?

  As if sensing my question, Abby answers in a quiet murmur. “Asher brought you back here. He said you passed out in class and then again outside the building so he carried you home. How are you feeling?” She hands an open bottle of water to me, and motions that I should take a sip.

  Just as I finish swallowing the cool liquid, Asher comes bolting in the room, causing the door to slam into the wall and bounce shut. He looks pissed off. Wait. Is he pissed off?

  As soon as his eyes reach mine, his face relaxes slightly before hardening again. His jaw clenches as he narrows his eyes at me. His chest is rising and falling with livid breaths as he prowls toward me.

  “How long?” he asks with exasperated annoyance.

  Abby stands in protective mode. “Asher, maybe—” He holds his hand up, stopping Abby’s speech.

  He looks around her to me, his indigo eyes are mere slits. “How long?” he growls and points at me heatedly.

  “Um, I’m not sure what you’re asking me.” I stare at him, wide-eyed and somewhat frightened.

  His stance goes severe, making him even more intimidating as I shrink back into my bed.

  “How. Long. Have. You. Been. Having. These. ‘Dreams,’” he asks, pronouncing each word slowly so I can follow and adds air quotes to the word dreams to make his point.

  “My dreams?” I repeat, trying to understand.

  “YES! YOUR FUCKING DREAMS!” he screams, startling Abby and myself as we jump at the harshness in his booming voice.

  I go to speak but get cut off by McKenna. “That’s enough, Asher,” she says, shooting daggers at him. Finally, someone else is on the receiving end of the death glare. I inhale a shaky breath.

  He turns to her, anger seeping off him. “Are you ordering me, Kenna?” he asks, his voice deathly calm. I swallow. I can’t stop watching. It’s like a train wreck.

  She stands tall, looking like a warrior princess. “I’m telling you to leave her be. Let her get herself together before you interrogate her, Ash. She has yet to be enlightened and you barking at her like a fucking animal isn’t going to help her understand.”

  Asher rubs his hands up and down his face then through his hair as he exhales. Once calm, he glares at me and then at McKenna before storming out of the room, slamming the door shut. Oookay.

  My eyes shift to McKenna. “Thanks,” I say, feeling awkward she of all people stuck up for me.

  She huffs in annoyance. “Don’t thank me yet. You look like hell. Drink your water, get in the shower, and pull your shit together,” she orders in a bitchy tone. So much for our ten seconds of friendship!

  I take my time getting up. Once I feel I’m steady, I head to the bathroom to shower, as McKenna demanded. “Good talk, Kenna.” With that, I shut the door and turn on the hot w
ater. I could have sworn she smiled at me, proud at my display of gusto.

  I let the steam fill up the bathroom, taking my time in the shower. The hot water runs over me, massaging my achy muscles. Once out, I wrap myself in my fluffy white towel and wipe the condensation from the mirror, looking at myself.

  My normally sparkling hazel eyes are starting to dull and look tired. I notice the slight dark circles forming underneath them. I brush my hair and teeth then notice the pale skin on my narrow face looks washed out from lack of the sunlight it’s used to being exposed to. I throw on some mascara and my vanilla coconut lip gloss, stalling.

  I can only imagine what’s waiting for me on the other side of the doorway. Whatever it is, I know it can’t be good. I also know it’s going to change me forever. I start to feel lightheaded but it quickly passes. I throw on an old pair of skinny jeans, my favorite long sleeve black t-shirt that has holes for my thumbs and covers my palms for warmth, and my knee-high, black leather riding boots. Then I open the door to face whatever awaits me on the other side.

  Abby sits on the couch in the lounge while McKenna is relaxing with her back to the wall near the door, blocking my escape route. Crap.

  Asher paces in the middle of the room with anxiety radiating off him. I take a brief moment to watch him, once again obsessed with the beautifulness that is Asher St. Michael. His face taut, he is clenching and unclenching his fists and that stunning cheek muscle is ticking. His indigo eyes are unfocused as he lifts them to focus on mine. He really is breathtaking. He holds my gaze for a moment before motioning to the couch for me to sit down, probably for a lecture.

  “Sit,” he orders gruffly.

  I roll my eyes, walking over to the couch to sit next to Abby. She pats my hand in an attempt to reassure me Asher won’t be killing me today. From his stern look, I’m unconvinced.

  “Can you tell us what the dreams are about?” she inquires.

  I look at the three of them before I begin. “They’re all different. The first nightmare was unlike today’s dream. It’s the only one I’ve had for at least five straight months. The last time I had it was about a week or so ago. I’m always running in a dark tunnel, something terrifying is chasing me, and then out of the blue, someone, a guy, comes in and saves me.”

  “Any details you can offer us other than a generic synopsis?” McKenna says snottily.

  I glare at her. “The guy who saves me has blue eyes, and in the dark, they almost look like they’re glowing. He can move fast, has a black granite sword, and he speaks Latin.” I look between both Abby and McKenna. They are eyeing one another. Asher goes still.

  “The ‘thing’ that is chasing you, do you recall what it looks like, Eve?” Abby inquires, biting her bottom lip.

  I nod my head. “Black smoke. He’s made of black smoke and that guy calls him Nero.”

  At this, Abby’s eyes widen and McKenna goes motionless. Asher stalks over to me and crouches in front of me as something flares in his indigo eyes.

  “Did you say Nero?” McKenna confirms.

  I look over to McKenna. “Yes. And Nero called this guy my protector.” I shift my eyes from McKenna back to Asher, who’s watching me. It’s unnerving.


  Then Abby stands up and begins to pace in front of me, still biting her lower lip. It’s a wonder it’s not bleeding; she’s biting it so hard.

  “What’s going on?” I ask Abby, keeping my eyes focused on Asher.

  “Do you remember what your dream in class today was about?” Asher asks with an unnatural gentleness. Relieved he isn’t yelling, I give him a small shake of my head.

  “Not really. Something about a forest, a fairy, and gold pixie dust. I only remember the first one so vividly because it was constant for a few months, but like I said, I haven’t had it for a while,” I answer.

  “Asher, we need to get back to La Gargouille. Keegan and Callan need to know what’s going on,” McKenna states, ignoring me.

  “They’re meeting with Michael right now.” Abby’s eyes drift to me then back to Asher. “Discussing Deacon and Gage,” she says with unease.

  “Hello, ladies. Still here. What’s going on?” I ask again, directing my pointed look to Asher.

  McKenna turns to me, her eyes glaring at me. “Asher?”

  I stare at Asher. “Is this another ‘thing’ you can’t disclose to me?” I snarl.

  Abby gives me an apologetic look. Asher’s still crouched in front of me. Our knees are touching and it’s causing the heat to start again in my veins. What is that?

  Asher looks confused. “What is what?” Did I say that out loud?

  “Nothing, it’s just.” I pause. “It’s nothing.” It’s not like he’ll tell me anyway.

  He looks at me for a moment. “I apologize for my behavior earlier. I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that. I was just taken aback when you realm jumped in class today,” Asher says.

  “Realm jumped?” I blow out a breath. “Look, I’m tired of all the secrets, Asher. I can’t do this anymore. I’m barely hanging on to my sanity as it is. So if you’re not going to tell me what’s going on, then please, stop making statements like I realm jumped,” I say, exhausted at this ping-pong match and lack of information.

  He watches attentively, as if trying to find the answer to something in my eyes. Once he makes his mind up, his face softens. He runs his hand over the top of my head and holds the back still then leans forward to lightly kiss my forehead. “Fair enough,” he says in a low voice.

  “Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” I whisper.

  “Yes,” he answers with sadness present in his voice as my excitement levels rise.

  “However, this discussion will happen at my place. This way Keegan and Callan can be there as well,” he says, waiting for an argument.

  “Okay,” I agree.

  “Okay,” he repeats. “Thanks for not arguing or pushing. It indicates you trust me and that means a great deal to me, siren,” he says with sincerity, looking into my eyes as the butterflies take flight in my stomach.

  He gets up, extending his hand for me to take as he helps me off the couch.

  We stand there for a moment. He affectionately brushes a loose piece of hair back behind my ear. Just like before, my skin breaks out in a severe case of goose bumps.

  Asher smiles sadly at me. “It’s time you learn who you are, Eve Collins.”

  9 Protector

  Asher and I pull up to the manor in silence. He cuts the engine to the Aston Martin and we just sit there. He’s fixated on the front windshield like it holds life’s answers.

  “Eve, whatever comes out of today, I want you to know you’re safe,” Asher says quietly but with authority.

  I look at him with trepidation. “Okay.” It’s all I can manage now that nerves are taking over in my stomach.

  Asher turns to me and takes my chin between his fingers, forcing me to look at him. His eyes grow soft. “Okay.” He nods once then gets out of the car, coming around to open my door and extend his hand to assist me.

  I fidget for a moment before placing my small, delicate hand in his large, strong one. Keeping a firm grip on me, he walks us into the manor and straight to the ‘tension room’ where everyone is already gathered and waiting. Asher’s stance is protective as we walk in.

  “Is Michael here?” he asks, his voice even.

  Keegan shakes his head. “No. He said to let him know if his assistance is needed. Eventually, he’ll come and answer all Eve’s questions but right now, he would like us to only explain who we are and what we do.” Keegan speaks directly to Asher as if conveying some hidden message.

  “Ash, he would like you to be the one to explain things to Eves since you’re her primary protector,” Callan continues.

  “My protector?” I question.

  Asher smiles then it fades, his face taking on a serious look. “Yes, I’m in charge of your protection,” he confirms in an authoritative, business-like tone.

“Okay.” I look around at everyone then back at Asher. “Why do I need your protection? What exactly are you protecting me from?”

  “Those who want to do you harm,” he answers, plopping down on the couch with me in tow as if answering what flavor milk he prefers.

  I scoff. Frustrated that I have to pull information I assumed he would be freely giving, I release his hand. His face drops. Is he saddened by the lost connection?

  “Why do you think there are people who want to harm me?” I ask.

  “You are very special, siren.” He looks directly in my eyes. “Do you recall the story of our lineage and how our father’s bloodline is La Gargouille?”

  I nod once.

  He smiles, trying to be reassuring, but it’s just freaking me out. It’s the kind of smile you know is attached to bad news. “You also come from a very important bloodline.” He holds me with his fierce eye contact.

  I let out a snort. “What are you saying? My ancestors come from the bloodline of the dragon as well?”

  He doesn’t look amused. “No. You are not one of us.” Ouch. Okay.

  “So what bloodline do I come from?” I ask with a mocking tone.

  McKenna crosses her arms and throws me the old evil eye. “See, I told you she wasn’t ready.”

  Asher shoots her a warning glare. Keegan walks over to Kenna, whispers something in her ear, and she calms down. He should bottle that and sell it around campus.

  “So, what is my bloodline?” I repeat.

  “Archangel,” Asher answers, returning his focus to me. He seems anxious while waiting for me to respond.

  “Come again?” I ask, unsure if I heard him correctly.

  “Your bloodline is the last pure bloodline of Heaven,” Asher says then pauses, probably waiting for the freak out.

  I sit immobile for a moment. Only my eyes shift, looking around at everyone in the room and waiting for a hint of deceit to appear in their facial features. They’re all watching me with serious expressions stamped on their faces.