Page 7

  Without thought, I reach for his hand and gently squeeze it. “I’m sorry.” I see his gaze intensify again, the energy between us buzzing.

  “It’s okay. We have a great family unit here.” Asher’s voice is raw. Indigo eyes flicker to my hand still on his. His brows furrow as his eyes lift, connecting to mine while confusion flitters across his face.

  He leans forward. His left hand brushes a stray hair off my face and tucks it back behind my ear. My mouth goes dry. Asher’s beautiful face is blemished with uncertainty.

  My body stills and I close my eyes, afraid any movement will cause his retreat.

  I feel his body move closer as the couch dips. Taking my chin between his fingers, he leans in as a shiver works its way down my spine.

  “Open your eyes,” he whispers so low I almost miss it.

  At his hushed command, my lids flutter open, locking onto his indigo eyes. They’re faintly glowing, which is odd, but I assume it must be an effect of the flames. He licks his lips, his heat radiating onto and into me. Asher’s eyes scan me, unhurried.

  His voice is thick. “You’re not what I expected, siren.”

  I frown. “I’m not sure how to respond to that.”

  He smiles sadly. “You’re stronger than I thought you would be.” His tone is contemplative.

  “How would you know?” My eyes dart to his parted lips.

  Asher leans in even closer. His breath tickles my lips. I swallow hard. Kiss me, I plead in my head. His vulnerable gaze locks onto mine as our lips come within millimeters of brushing one another. My eyes close in anticipation of our lips merging.

  “EVES? ASH? You guys around?” Callan shouts.

  We both jerk away from each other at an amazing speed as Callan’s booming voice startles us, severing the connection. Crap. Asher blows out a long breath as if, once again, pulling himself out of a daze.

  I squirm, my eyes never leaving Asher’s, as Callan and Abby bounce in.

  Ignorant as to having just walked in on us during a private moment, Callan plops on the couch between us while Abby stands, eyes as round as saucers at having noticed the awkward situation.

  “Watchya doing, kids?” Callan teases, delighted in our close proximity.

  “Nothing,” Asher responds in a flat tone.

  Abby looks between both of us, her eyes studying our body language.

  “Is everyone hungry? Abby and I got steaks, asparagus, and potatoes for mashing. Who’s in?” Callan looks around, oblivious to the tension.

  “Sounds good.” My voice quivers as my body recovers.

  Callan smiles as he suddenly realizes what he interrupted. He puts one hand on both Asher’s and my knees and pushes himself into a standing position. “To the kitchen, everyone. It’s time we get to know Eves better while Ash peels potatoes for the family dinner!” Callan announces with great dramatics.

  Asher and I exchange tired looks. It’s going to be a long night.

  6 Dragons

  The kitchen is just as breathtaking as the rest of the estate, boasting stainless steel chef’s appliances and a large center island that can easily seat ten people. The main focal point is the large picture window above the double sink that overlooks the gardens.

  The stonework on the walls, dark hardwood floors, and mahogany beams across the ceiling all engulf you in warmth. There are four French doors that lead out to the terrace and pool area. The chef’s stoves are flanked on either side by stone columns, giving the room more of a turret feel than a kitchen.

  The open floor plan leads to the dining room, which also has hardwood floors, stones on the walls and ceiling, and an entire wall featuring a wine rack. It feels like being in a medieval castle.

  Callan hands out marching orders as if he’s the executive chef. Keegan and Asher have been put on potato peeling duty. According to Keegan, it’s some kind of ‘cruel joke.’ He’s sulking mumbling under his breath about how “protectors don’t peel potatoes.” Whatever that means.

  Abby and I are on roasting asparagus duty which means we’re cutting the bottoms off and laying the asparagus onto the sheet pan while Callan is on grilling duty. McKenna is on restful quiet time duty. It seems she doesn’t cook, or prep, or clean. Shocker.

  Callan puts on his apron which reads, Come to the Dark Side…We Have Cookies. It’s pretty funny actually. I’m really starting to like Callan and his quirky personality. I sigh to myself, thinking he and my aunt would get along so well. In my thought process, I don’t even hear Asher saunter up next to me.

  “You okay?” Asher asks, inclining his head toward me.

  I nod. “Yeah. I was just thinking about my Aunt Elizabeth. That’s all.”

  “Is she your only family?” he questions with genuine interest.

  “She’s my mother’s only sister. My grandparents passed away a long time ago and my parents died when I was a baby so she raised me on her own.”

  Asher looks at me for a while. I mean really looks at me. Then he gives me a real smile that lights up his face. Damn. He should always smile that way.

  Callan notices Asher’s preoccupation with me and has to tease him. “Asher, stop staring at Eve and start peeling those potatoes,” he demands, pointing to the high mound of potatoes.

  Asher glances at me and winks then turns and gives Callan a harsh glare before he throws peels at him. Callan and Keegan laugh and duck, avoiding the dirty mess. I notice how fast and agile they move, almost at superhuman speed.

  “Hey, bro, no need to throw food at us. We’re just noticing your unhealthy gawking,” Callan offers.

  “Yeah, man. Stop fixating on Eve,” Keegan scolds. It’s hard to decipher if he’s joking or not.

  Abby gives both a reproving look. “All of you need to behave or you will scare her off.”

  I just smile while my cheeks turn crimson from the unwanted attention. I’m not used to being teased in this manner. It’s nice and makes me ache for a larger family than just my aunt.

  Asher cocks his head, watching me with an intense gaze. He leans closer, giving me his sexy smile. With one hand, he cups my cheek while moving the pad of his thumb tenderly across the pink hue, almost as if he’s trying to erase the embarrassment for me. My breath catches.

  Eventually, we make our way into the dining room to sit down and eat.

  I slide my glance to Callan. “Everything is really delicious. You’re an amazing cook.”

  He beams and winks. “Thanks, Eves. You’re now officially my favorite.”

  For some reason, this causes warmth to spread inside my chest. I’ve never been anyone’s favorite before. I wonder if this is what it would be like to have siblings.

  Callan stands to get dessert. “For the record, I made chocolate cake from scratch,” he announces smugly, causing Abby to grin with pride at him.

  The atmosphere is light and fun with a lot of teasing and easy banter amongst the group. Everyone seems at ease, at least until I open my mouth and insert my foot.

  “What’s the significance of the dragons?” I ask no one in particular. “I noticed them on the gate, fountain, and door outside when we pulled up.” My eyes dart around the group.

  The temperature suddenly drops in the room and everyone stills. No one moves or offers an answer to my question. They just catch each other’s eyes in an odd form of kin communication.

  Keegan clears his throat before answering. “European dragons, like the ones you see around the estate, are legendary creatures in folklore. They ward off evil and are used for protection.”

  Easy enough explanation. Why all the tension? Four sets of blue eyes stare at me as if I might shatter into a million pieces at any moment. After a pause, I decide to push my luck.

  “What does the name La Gargouille Manor mean?” I ask innocently.

  “By the grace,” McKenna says with venom dripping off her lips as she slams down her fork.

  “Kenna,” Asher warns in a deep growl that makes the butterflies in my stomach take flight.

attempts to smooth over the weirdness again. “You’ll have to just ignore Kenna. She gets upset when we talk about our parents,” she says in a gentle manner.

  I frown. What does this have to do with their parents? My eyes flick to McKenna, who at the moment is shooting daggers at me from across the table, and then they slide next to me and lock on to Asher. His jaw is tight and his cheek is ticking, like he’s ready to jump over the table and strangle the ice queen at any moment.

  Callan puts a hand on Asher’s shoulder, preventing the attack as he returns from the kitchen with dessert. “What’s going on?” he asks naively, having missed the drama.

  “We were just about to tell Eve the story of La Gargouille.” Abby smiles at him.

  Feeling uncomfortable, I back peddle. “It’s okay. You don’t have to tell me if it’s too painful. I didn’t mean to ask personal questions.”

  Abby shrugs. “Nonsense. It’s just a silly family story. Kenna is clearly being overdramatic, per usual.” She gives a pointed look to McKenna who huffs and folds her arms over her chest.

  Keegan angles toward me from across the table. “Are you familiar with French folklore?”

  I shake my head no.

  “Ash, why don’t you tell Eves the story. You tell it so well,” Callan prompts, batting his eyes at Asher like he’s a fan girl.

  Asher responds by rolling his eyes and smirking sexily, turning in his chair toward me. “It’s been said that during the seventh century, there was a legendary dragon that lived on the River Seine in France named La Gargoiulle. Apparently, he was so grotesque to look at, people said he would ward off evil spirits.” Asher continues as I lean in.

  “According to history, the dragon terrorized the town and people of what was then Rouen. In an attempt to stop the attacks, the Archbishop of Rouen, St. Romanus, attacked and killed it.” Asher pauses, watching me. “Still with me?”

  I nod so he goes on. “During the battle, Romanus slaughtered the dragon but not before it bit him on the left shoulder, almost piercing his heart.” Asher places his right hand on the left side of his chest, taking in a breath before looking at Keegan, who nods in approval to continue.

  Asher stretches his head from side to side, as if shaking something off before he continues. “The bite was significant and bled badly. The dragon was also in poor shape and bleeding heavily from the wounds Romanus inflicted with his sword. Unknowing to both during the fight, Romanus and the dragon’s blood mixed, causing the soul of the dragon spirit and the soul of the man who served Heaven to become bound together for eternity. They say after Romanus finished slaying the dragon, he burned him as was customary, but only the dragon’s body was actually consumed by the fire. The head and neck managed to survive. Upset by this, the Archbishop mounted the dragon head and neck to his church as a reminder to anyone with malevolent intentions not to terrorize his town and the people. The Archbishops would run holy water through it daily, allowing the water to sprout out of the dragon’s mouth, effectively warding off evil. It was kind of like the first gargoyle.” Asher’s voice trails off as he studies my reaction. Everyone is silent and motionless, listening to the story.

  I inhale. “Wow, that’s remarkable. But how does that relate to your family?” I ask in fascinated curiosity.

  Keegan’s authoritative voice pierces through me. “Unfortunately, Romanus didn’t view being bonded to the dragon’s spirit as a blessing. During this time in history, Archbishops were permitted to take a wife and have children. Romanus did this but with each child he created, the bloodline continued and was connected to the dragon’s spirit. Each generation produced from the Archbishop’s lineage was tied to the dragon eternally. Our father’s ancestors date back and carry the bloodline of Archbishop Romanus. Hence, our family connection to La Gargouille.”

  Callan chimes in, “So, Eves, instead of looking at it as a curse, our dad decided to honor the dragon’s spirit by naming all his homes after it. To ward off evil, each estate and business we own has the legendary dragon heads for spiritual protection.”

  My eyes shift from Callan back to Asher. “Huh, that’s an amazing story. It must be nice to have your bloodline so well documented.” I smile, locking eyes with him. His face is once again unreadable as he studies me in contemplation.

  However, our private moment is broken, this time by the tight and harsh voice of McKenna.

  “Great. Now that blood of Eden has learned the history of the dragon, can we eat dessert in peace and quiet?” she snips, taking a bite of chocolate cake.

  Asher stands quickly. Evidently, he’s pissed off and in attack mode. “What the fuck is your problem, Kenna?” he shouts, startling me.

  Her face goes stoic. “No problem, your highness,” she says throwing her fork down in dramatic fashion then getting up and storming out.

  I watch as Asher growls loudly and huffs out of the dining room on a mission. Resisting the urge to run after him, I stay rooted in my seat.

  “I’ll catch up with Kenna. Abby, you want to take Asher?” Keegan says, his tone solemn.

  “Sure.” Abby gets up to follow Asher. “Be right back, Eve.” She pats me on the shoulder.

  And with that, I’m left alone with Callan who continues to eat his chocolate cake as if this is normal dinnertime behavior.

  He notices me just sitting there. “Listen, cutie, Kenna is just moody and Asher is broody. Ignore them.” He points to the cake, motioning for me to eat it. “The secret is a splash of coffee in the chocolate. It’s what makes it so chocolaty.” He smiles and waits until I take a bite.

  Realizing he is waiting for me, I place the fork in my mouth, making sure to exaggerate my delight. “Mmmm. Soooo chocolaty, Callan.”

  He laughs at my fake drama. “Right?”

  We eat our cake in peace and quiet. After a few minutes, I decide to grill him about McKenna and Asher.

  “Can I ask you something?” I ask tentatively.

  “Sure,” he answers while drinking his milk. Damn, he’s adorable.

  “Why did McKenna call me the blood of Eden?” I ask in a shy voice.

  Wiping his mouth with his napkin, he pauses. He’s watching me as if deciding whether or not to answer my question. “I love Kenna like a blood sister. She’s been through a lot and doesn’t like or trust outsiders.” His eyes plead for understanding and beg me not to push the topic.

  I narrow my eyes. “What do you mean outsiders? I thought she was with Keegan. Why would my being here threaten her? Does she like Asher or something?”

  Callan’s eyes sparkle as his mouth tilts up into a sly grin. “More importantly, do you like Asher, Eves?”

  I shake my head in defiance. “No, wait that’s not what I meant. Ugh, just answer the questions, Callan.” I hold back my urge to flick him between the eyebrows.

  He laughs, amused at my annoyance. “You’re new. She’s just figuring out how you’re going to fit into the family, that’s all.” He shrugs as if it’s no big deal.

  I raise my eyebrows. “Fit into the family?”

  “Like it or not, Eves, you’re one of us now. Next family dinner, you should wear armor.” Callan sits back, folds his hands behind his head, and relaxes his posture.

  Frustrated, I sigh. He’s avoiding my questions and I can tell he doesn’t want me to pursue it. I try a different tactic. “Why did she call Asher your highness?”

  He smirks. “You caught that, did you? Well, he’s like, how should I say? A dark prince around here. Asher’s bad tempered, mopes, and definitely acts like a royal pain in the ass.” He winks with glee. I laugh, wishing Callan was my brother. He’s so charming.

  7 Harsh Realities

  Abby and I finish the dishes as I look outside the window over the sink and realize it’s getting late. After everyone calmed down and returned to dinner, we cleared the table and decided it would be safer if just Abby and I cleaned up before heading back to campus.

  “Abby, I’m just going to try giving Aria a call to let her know we’ll be back soon,�
�� I say.

  She nods, shoeing me away. “Okay, tell her I say hi and we missed her at dinner.”

  I grab my cell from my bag and head into the hallway while dialing her number. She picks up on the second ring. “Hi, girlie. How’s dinner?”

  “Interesting to say the least,” I mumble. “I just wanted to let you know we’ll be back soon. You know, on the off chance you’re worried about me,” I tease.

  “You’re funny. I’m still out with Leo but should be back in a bit,” she says, giggling.

  “How’s the date going?” I ask, hoping she remembers to filter her answer.

  I can feel her bright smile over the phone. “Amazing. He’s really great! I’ll tell you all about it over pillow talk tonight.”

  Aria has recently decided we need a bedtime ritual to help me curb the nightmares. She thinks twenty minutes of ‘pillow talk,’ as she has dubbed it, is the key. “I look forward to it!”

  “I can’t wait to hear all about dinner with hot boy and the ice queen.” I can hear her rolling her eyes over the phone as I laugh.

  “Alright, see you soon.”


  Hanging up, I walk back toward ‘the tension room’ and stop in my tracks. I hear everyone in a heated discussion, talking in hushed voices. I stop just outside and eavesdrop. The last thing I want is to be caught in the middle of another family argument.

  “I’m fine, I promise. There were three deep wounds caused by its claws but they’re healed now,” Asher says in a low voice.

  “And you’re sure it was a Barghest?” Callan asks, his tone serious.

  “Yeah, it was beyond doubt a hellhound,” Asher confirms.

  “How did you handle the situation?” Keegan sounds worried.

  Asher exhales. “It was chasing her, so I grabbed it and pinned it to the ground. Once I had a firm chokehold on it, I threatened to kill it slowly and painfully using its native Gaelic dialect. Then it vanished in blue flames.”