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- Randi Cooley Wilson
Page 11
“Thanks,” I say in a flat tone.
“Keegan is contacting Michael. He should be here soon.”
“Mmhm,” is all I can manage.
“Listen, Eve, I know you don’t want to talk to Ash right now, but as your protector, he needs to know you’re okay. Your anxious feelings are bouncing off the shared connection and he’s ready to tear off the door. Please let him sit in here until Michael arrives. Okay?” she coerces.
“Fine,” I agree. I have no energy for a fight.
“Okay,” she says sadly, leaving the room as Asher walks in. I put the mug on the coffee table as he sits down next to me.
After a moment of enduring my cold shoulder, he catches me off guard by reaching for me and pulling me onto his lap so I’m straddling and facing him.
His face and eyes are sincere. “Talk to me,” he coaxes with a softness I haven’t seen yet.
I stare at his Celtic cross tattoo. “I’m trying to sort it all out. It all sounds so far-fetched. At the same time, if true, how do I start to embrace this?” I say breathless.
Asher is silent, his gaze intense and body rigid. He picks up a strand of my hair and begins to play with it, unconscious he’s doing it. “When I first saw you, I was completely captivated. I realized there was something different about my bond to you even before our first interaction. I knew you were my fate and I was created to protect and shelter you. I swear to you, I will do that,” he promises.
I lift my eyes and look into the layers of his, trying to find a hint of deceit, but there is none. “What am I exactly?”
Asher draws his hand across his brow as if considering his next words with great care. “I don’t know what you’ll become, but right now, you’re a breathtakingly beautiful and stubborn girl who’s fiercely argumentative, strong willed, and usually someone I want to strangle, yet at the same time, shelter, revere and protect with every fiber of my being. Whatever you become, you’re strong. I’m sure of that. You will succeed.”
I watch him. “How do you know?”
His look is pointed. “You’re a force to be reckoned with, Eve. You’re going to fulfill your destiny and liberate what needs to be set free.”
I scoff. “I can’t escape this. Wishing it was yesterday and I was normal again won’t make this go away, will it?”
Asher’s smile falters, his voice serious. “You are not normal. You can’t change your destiny or what you’re fated to do. You need to accept it. Once you do, it will become a part of you. Then your soul will know how to embrace what your heart already knows and your mind will realize is truth.”
I hold his gaze as I play with the collar on his shirt, unsure of how to respond to his words.
“You are an enchanting, mystical creature, siren,” he says in awe.
“You’ve called me that before. Why? What does it mean?”
Indigo eyes meet mine and perfect lips tilt up sensually. “I’ve nicknamed you siren because it means a dangerous and beautiful creature who lures men with their enchantment. As you have done to me.”
Asher’s eyes dart to my parted lips, his stare is predatory. I hold my breath. A shiver of anticipation runs through me. His hands grasp my hips, pulling me closer to him as he leans in slowly. A seductive smile tugs at the corners of his lips, vanishing as soon as they brush mine like a caress. I close my eyes, falling into the blissful warmth that is Asher. His lips are so soft.
Warm hands move up to my face, cupping my cheeks as he tilts my head, deepening the kiss. I open my mouth and allow him to enter. This kiss is gentle and tentative at first, but builds feverishly and rapidly with hunger. He growls, causing me to release a soft mewl.
My hands clench his shirt as he pulls me closer, yet still not close enough. No one has ever kissed me this passionately before. It’s perfection.
Asher pulls his head back from me, his breathing ragged. His hands still cup my cheeks. I look into his eyes, which appear to glow, drawing me in. I unclench his shirt and bring my hands to his face. His five o’clock shadow is rough as it graces my palms. Leaning forward, I brush my lips against his again. In response, he pulls me closer. My hands make their way into his soft hair, clutching the strands tightly as he devours my mouth until my lips are swollen and bruised.
“Ah hum. Pardon the interruption but Michael is here,” Callan informs us, amused at catching us in this predicament.
Asher leans his forehead against mine. His breath comes out in short pants while I close my eyes, trying to control my rapid heartbeat. My hands close into fists in his hair.
“We’ll be right there,” Asher says, his voice raspy.
I pray Callan doesn’t notice my blush stained cheeks, a product of getting caught mauling his brother. Asher pulls my arms away, kissing each of my hands as he repositions me off his lap and standing us up. Shifting in front of me, he links our fingers in a firm hold, moving us toward the door.
“Let’s go. It’s never good to keep Michael waiting,” he says, his voice evening out.
As I walk past Callan, he leans over and whispers, “Eves, you’re so cute when you blush.”
Crap, kill me now. I hide my face in Asher’s back as he pulls me down the hallway and back to the ‘tension room’ to meet an archangel.
Asher guides me into the room, my hand still entwined with his. As we enter, my eyes immediately land on the powerful angel standing by the large window. Michael’s focus is centered on the grounds. His commanding presence humbles me.
His dark blond, neck length hair is styled with little effort. His broad shoulders demand your attention and confirm his existence as a heavenly force to be reckoned with. The angel’s warrior stance is intimidating, to say the least. Though he doesn’t look a day over forty.
I take a breath in anticipation as he turns to face me, jade eyes locking onto mine. Nervously, I study his straight-faced expression and flawless skin. I tighten my hold on Asher as he tugs my hand in a reassuring gesture.
Michael studies me for what feels like forever. I’ve moved closer to Asher, intimidated by the ethereal being’s presence. My eyes want to look away, but I can’t.
Sensing my discomfort, Asher pulls me behind him in a protective position, causing Michael to switch his intense gaze briefly to Asher then back to me. The room is silent. No one is breathing. Yep, this is officially the tension room.
Michael walks over to me, stopping in front of Asher, whom he acknowledges with a curt nod. Asher bows his head in return, no words spoken.
My protector squeezes my hand before releasing it and placing his on the small of my back, moving the slightest bit to the side to allow the archangel access to me. I bite the inside of my cheek.
Michael reaches his large, divine hand to my head and places his palm to my forehead, causing my eyes to shut as well as his. The soft palm is held in place for the slightest moment and then he removes it. Jade eyes meet mine, lips tilting up as he mimics the slight bow to me as Asher did to him.
Asher’s hand on my back gently forces me forward, closer to Michael. Presenting me. “Archangel Michael, warrior of Heaven, it’s my honor to offer you, Eve Collins, daughter of Heaven and whom you’ve graciously bestowed me the honor of protecting.”
Holy shit. I take a step forward. Not knowing formal angelic protocol, I just stand there hoping it’s not rude. Michael silently scrutinizes me again as if trying to decipher how to address me. The silence is killing me so I decide to take the initiative as verbose as only I can.
“How do I know you’re an archangel? You don’t glow, have wings, and you’re not wearing white,” I query like an idiot.
To this, Michael cocks his head to the side. Bewilderment settles on his angelic face as if not understanding what I said. I lift my chin at his examination of my face.
“Child of Heaven, you mock me?” Michael asks, astonished.
Crap, I’ve insulted him. Before I can apologize, he begins laughing. Confused, I look around at everyone else. They are smiling
now and snickering.
I huff in anger, not privy to the private joke, and turn my wide eyes back on Michael.
He offers a warm smile and gives me a paternal look, causing a momentary bout of sadness to flash through me, thinking this is the way my dad would have looked at me if he were alive.
“Come, Eve.” Michael extends his hand to me. “We have much to discuss.” He motions to the couch and I sit, still reeling from being the ‘laughing stock.’ The divine being surprises me by sitting informally on the coffee table across from me. Now that I look at him, he has an overall casual demeanor.
Asher takes a seat on the couch to my left, Callan to my right. The girls stand near the fireplace hearth with Keegan.
“Before I begin to explain who and what you are, Eve, let me answer your previous questions. I can assure you I am the Archangel Michael.” He smiles at me, amused. “We don’t glow, have halos, or wear white. Not all the time, at least. I’m afraid that is mankind glamorizing us. I do have wings, which you can see if I want you to. Otherwise, they are retracted and hidden from sight. Any other questions about the myths of the angelic world?” he asks with humor laced in his voice.
I shake my head, voiceless at his laid-back repartee and humor. He grins at my reaction.
“Alright then, are there any specific questions you would like to ask me before we start?” he asks with a sincere tone.
“Please. I’m happy to answer anything you would like to know.” Sincerity is heavy in his voice.
“Why are you wearing black pants and a white button down shirt?” I inquire, my tone serious.
His laugh is boisterous. “I’m here on your plane so I thought I would dress more appropriately in an attempt to make you comfortable. Similar to what you’re used to seeing,” he answers.
His black dress pants showcase his large, muscular legs. The white button down shirt has the top button open, and he has the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He looks more like an older brother of a friend than a divine angel.
“A bit relaxed for a soldier of paradise,” I jab.
“That’s the idea,” he replies, his warm eyes twinkling.
“Anything else with regard to physical appearance?” he asks, jesting.
“Not at the moment,” I say, chewing the inside of my cheek.
“Wonderful. Then let’s get started by playing catch up. I’ve experienced your visions and realm crossing visits, and the St. Michaels have informed me of your contact with Nero, the Barghest, Lady Finella, and some members of the Declan clan. It would seem you’ve had quite an ordeal,” he states.
I cut him off. “Wait. You’ve experienced my dreams and realm jumping; how?” I ask, attempting to not freak out.
“When I touched my palm to your forehead, I was able to pull your visions and the interactions you’ve had with the Barghest and Lady Finella,” the angel explains.
“Well, that’s a neat little trick,” I shoot off sarcastically.
“Michael, you’ll have to excuse Eve. She’s still grasping all this and is having a difficult time accepting some of the abilities are true.” Asher tries to cover for my snippy behavior.
I shoot him the death glare. He just smirks at me in a cocky manner.
Michael turns his soft gaze back to me. “That’s quite alright, Eve. It’s very understandable. Much of what we tell, and have told you to this point, is far reaching for your acceptance. You’ve grown up a mundane. Therefore, our worlds and ways are foreign to you. We’ll excuse much of the poor behavior you are currently exhibiting for that reason. However, you will show me and the St. Michaels a level of respect. We are here to help, not hinder your learning process. Do you understand?” he reprimands with a gentle tone.
I nod my head, annoyed I’m being put in my place.
Callan leans in to whisper, “You just got schooled.”
I turn and give him the stink eye as he giggles like a ten-year-old.
Michael smiles with warmth. “How much divine history has Elizabeth provided you?”
“Not too much. She felt spirituality was more important than conformation,” I answer.
Again, he beams brightly, almost proud. “Well, Elizabeth always did push the boundaries. It is one of my many favorite things about her.” He looks wistful. “I digress.” Okayyyy.
His focus regained, he continues. “I will not bore you with the entire story of how things came to be, and this certainly is not meant to be a sermon. However, you need to understand why you were created, Eve. That merits a small amount of historical background.”
I straighten and encourage him to continue. “I’m listening.”
“Heaven’s Legion has been at war with Lucifer’s Dark Army for centuries, with countless casualties on all sides. That’s nothing new. After exhausting all avenues, and many attempts at peace, something significant had to be done to secure the safety of future generations. “So, I requested my spirit be placed in another. A human to help redeem mankind. A query that first went unanswered by The Angelic Council. Instead, I was sent to lead our legion into battle against Lucifer and his army. Eventually, The Angelic Council agreed to my proposition, though the implications at the time were unknown.”
Michael continues his old world accent, hypnotizing me. “Ultimately, we were able to secure a peace treaty that both Heaven and Hell signed. Regrettably for all parties, including mankind, it was set to expire on the twenty-second of May of this year.” He stops, watching me with an eerie stillness.
Realization hits me. “Wait, my eighteenth birthday?” I look to Asher and then back to Michael.
“Yes, that’s correct, Eve. In preparation for another spiritual conflict, a war in which human beings would once again be wedged in the middle, The Angelic Council agreed on a divine secret weapon, if you will. You, Eve. It was decided we would create a redeemer who shall liberate mankind, a direct descendant whose soul carries the spirit of an archangel and the pure bloodline of Heaven.” Michael pauses, letting the information he’s just shared sink in.
I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and sit back on the couch. Holy shit, it’s real. I open my eyes and lock them onto Michael’s as he nods gently, letting me know my conclusion is true.
“My parents died when I was a baby. Were they angels?” I question.
“No. They were humans. Good, loving people who were granted a daughter. The council decided they were a good fit to raise you. Unfortunately, Lucifer got wind of your existence and found Katherine and Robert Collins, ending their existence before we could protect them. Uriel and I found you in time, but it was too late to save them. They died honorably, protecting you,” he says, sadness tinting his voice.
At the sound of my parents’ names, my eyes begin to sting. I attempt to blink it away.
“We brought you to an old friend of mine, Elizabeth, who agreed to shelter and guard you. Over the years, we’ve had Power and Guardian angels watching over both you and Elizabeth, shielding you from Lucifer. Once you turned eighteen, your bloodline would ascend, essentially alerting every demonic and supernatural being within Lucifer’s legion of your existence. Which has happened,” Michael clarifies.
I just sit for a moment in the quiet, allowing this information to sink in. “Did my parents know what I was?”
“How is my bloodline pure if my parent’s were not angels?” I ask.
“At the time of your creation, the bloodline was transferred and your soul touched. That is all I can offer at the moment.” Michael says with a solemn tone.
“So my Aunt Elizabeth isn’t my mother’s sister? She isn’t a blood relative?” I try to make sense of how she is related to me because we all look exactly alike.
“No, they were not sisters. Make no mistake, Elizabeth loves you as if you were her own child, Eve. That never was false. Everything she did over the years was for you, because in her eyes, you are her daughter. She has loved and protected you and still does to this day. She has giv
en up a lot to make sure you were concealed and safe,” he says, leaving no doubt or room for argument.
“And you know her?” I ask, kind of freaked out that my aunt hangs out with an archangel.
He gives a small, solemn smile. “Yes, for a long time. Over the years, I checked in on both of you on several occasions,” he says pensively.
“Why don’t I remember you?”
“Simply because I didn’t want you to.” He shrugs.
I ponder this information, willing my stopped heart to start beating again.
“If you had Power and Guardian angels watching over me my entire life, where are they now? Why did you have to hire Asher and his family to protect me?” I ask, my voice just above a whisper.
Michael leans his elbows on his knees, tilting closer to me. “The Angelic Council agreed your guardian protection would last until your eighteenth birthday, at which time you would ascend, alerting Lucifer and his legion of your existence. If they knew we had created you in our favor to assist mankind, we would be in breach of the treaty, ending centuries of peace and placing the world in great peril. It was assumed once you ascended, you would carry the appropriate capabilities to protect yourself,” he explains.
“Watching you over the years, Elizabeth and I realized that when you did turn eighteen, you would have no real understanding of who you are or protection skills against the evil world. Knowing this, I went back to The Angelic Council to ask for assistance but they denied my request. In this war, both sides are expected to play fair, though it’s not always the case,” Michael justifies.
“So I was just created and then left to fend for myself against all that is evil? Who does that? Why on earth would your side allow this to happen?” I say on the verge of screaming.
He sighs. “Eve, there is much you do not understand when it comes to ‘my side.’ The social order is built on trust, regulations, checks, and balances. The consequences of breaking those rules hold severe punishment, including falling for some angels,” he says, guarded.